Installing condor_pytorch


Condor requires the following software and packages:


You can install the latest stable release of condor_pytorch directly from Python's package index via pip by executing the following code from your command line:

pip install condor-pytorch

The dependencies can be pip installed also using the included requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Latest GitHub Source Code

You want to try out the latest features before they go live on PyPI? Install the condor_pytorch dev-version latest development version from the GitHub repository by executing

pip install git+git://

Alternatively, you download the package manually from GitHub via the Dowload ZIP button, unzip it, navigate into the package directory, and execute the following command:

python install


If one does not wish to install things locally, running a docker container can make it simple to run Condor pytorch.

We provide Dockerfile's to help get up and started quickly with condor_pytorch. The cpu image can be built and ran as follows, with tutorial jupyter notebooks built in.

# Create a docker image, only done once
docker build -t cpu_pytorch -f cpu.Dockerfile ./

# run image to serve a jupyter notebook
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 --rm cpu_pytorch

# how to run bash inside container (with python that will have deps)
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it -p 8888:8888 --rm cpu_pytorch bash

An NVIDIA based gpu optimized container can be built and run as follows (without interactive ipynb capabilities).

# only needs to be built once
docker build -t gpu_pytorch -f gpu.Dockerfile ./

# use the image after building it
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 --rm gpu_pytorch